Based-in-China “Tatev Couture” gains inspiration from the Armenian ornaments and embroidery (interview)
ChinArmArt Where and when was established “Tatev Couture”? Tatev Khachaturyan As a brand “Tatev Couture” was officially registered in 2017. However, I’ve been designing clothes since 2007, further I participated in “Prêt-à-porter Yerevan 2008”. ChinArmArt How long have you been in China and whether
Ruben Giney on Armenian-Chinese cultural relations: We have so much to say to each other (interview)
ChinArmArt People who have watched "Andin. Armenian Journey Chronicles" are often curious about the medieval astrolabe that also appeared on the poster of the film. Was it discovered by the film crew? Why did exactly that object become the symbol for
The Chinese dragon on the garb of the Cilician Armenian archbishop- as a symbol of cross-cultural interactions
Archbishop John (Yovhannēs), the brother of King Hethum I (1213 – 21 October 1270) ruled the Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia from 1226 to 1270), appeared in a Cilcian miniature painting- scene of consecration (Matenadaran MS 197, Gospel, Akner, Cilicia, year
Tightrope walking traditions in China and Armenia (photo)
Tightrope walking, also called funambulism, is the skill of walking along a thin wire or rope. It has a long tradition in various countries and is commonly associated with the circus. Tightrope performers used to wear the traditional costumes of
An Armenian woman- creator of Singapore’s National Flower
Ashkhen Hovakimian (Agnes Joaquim), a prominent Singaporean Armenian horticulturist, creator of the first hybrid orchid and the creator of Singapore’s National Flower Vanda "Miss Joaquim". Ashkhen Hovakimian (Agnes Joaquim) was born on 7 April 1854, in Singapore. She was the eldest
“Ես իմ անուշ Հայաստանի” interpretation of a charming Chinese girl (video)
Author: Lilit Ghazaryan Her name is Aimee… She has a good habit of counting the days of our Armenian-Chinese friendship. Today she also opened the calendar to remind me that 365 days have passed since our first meeting. We decided to celebrate
Chinese dragons and heavenly dogs in the Armenian medieval manuscript
The elements perceived as emanating from Chinese art, such as “heavenly dogs”, “phoenix” and“dragon” motifs, made their appearance in Armenian manuscript illuminations in the second half ofthe thirteenth century. The context was royal Armenian patronage in the kingdom of Cilician
The Armenian “blue-and-white” inspired by Chinese art
The V&A Museum, London, hosts an early-seventeenth-century blue-and-white pottery samplethat is considered a part of a rare, small group of wares commissioned by or for members of theArmenian community living in New Julfa/Jugha, outside Isfahan, Iran. Being created circa 1700,
The Chinese “Ming Bowl” found in Armenia
This bronze bowl was found by a farmer near the city of Gyumri, Armenia. It was created during thereign of the Chinese Xuande Emperor (1399-1435 CE, reigned from 1425 to 1435 CE) of MingDynasty (1368-1644 CE). The inscription in Chinese
The Chinese perception of the Armenian merchant image
In 1944, Mathias Komor, a New York dealer (1909 - 1984), sold a Tang-dynasty (8thcentury BCE) small-scaled figurine (overall: 33.5 x 16.3 x 16.3 cm) to the Museum of FineArts, Boston, for $850. The current artifact is described in the