“Ես իմ անուշ Հայաստանի” interpretation of a charming Chinese girl (video)
Author: Lilit Ghazaryan
Her name is Aimee…
She has a good habit of counting the days of our Armenian-Chinese friendship. Today she also opened the calendar to remind me that 365 days have passed since our first meeting.
We decided to celebrate our anniversary with Armenian wine and Chinese food.That is how people prob…
She is joking sometimes that she is a half-Armenian just because she knows who Yeghishe Charents is.
I love when we go to the mountain together that is where she likes reading the Armenian poem “Ես իմ անուշ Հայաստանի”…and when she is reading the poem so proudly I usually keep silence not to disturb her and I also thank God for our friendship. Hopefully it will last forever…