And a Chinese can be an Armenian
This year the comedy play “And a Chinese can be an Armenian” was premiered on the stage of the Hakob Paronyan State Musical Comedy Theatre. The protagonist bears a strong resemblance to the Yerevan-based, amazing Chinese student, who proved that one might be an “Armenian” not only in origin.
Feng Yangming, a student from Guangzhou, China, is currently studying the Armenian language in Armenia. He has been teaching Chinese in various Armenian institutions since the year 2019. Being engaged in Chinese-Armenian translational projects and undertakings, Feng has been largely integrated into Armenian society: he has been traveling around Armenia, getting acquainted with its touristic and historical sights, visiting museums and cultural institutions, enthusiastically participating in social, cultural, and student life.
It’s worth mentioning that Feng himself not only contemplated the play “And a Chinese Man Can Be an Armenian”, but also went taking a bow alongside the theatre troupe during one of the premiere performances.