
Armenia was presented at the 10th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival

Armenia was presented at the 10th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival

In January 2024, the 10th Spring Chinese Poetry Festival Gala Awards Ceremony featured distinguished poets from 30 countries. Among the esteemed participants and winners was the Armenian writer Armenuhi Sisyan. Her contributions have gained global recognition and have been translated into 31 languages, including Chinese, English, and Spanish.
The event, which was broadcast live on Beijing Radio and several television channels, garnered a viewership of 13 million in China alone, strengthening cultural ties between nations and cementing the importance of the arts in fostering global unity; the ceremony was a testament to the cultural richness and diversity of the participating nations and their talented writers.
Notably, Sisyan is a professor of Armenian language at Yerevan State Medical University and has authored and co-authored several training manuals for students. She has been a member of the Writers’ Union of Armenia since 2007.

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