
An animated short film by a Swiss-Armenian filmmaker considered for the Academy Awards

An animated short film by a Swiss-Armenian filmmaker considered for the Academy Awards

ARMAT, an animated short film produced by Swiss-based filmmaker Élodie Dermange, whose grandfather is Armenian, is currently being considered for the Academy Awards, as the Hollywood Reporter has included ARMAT in its list of 15 animated short films that could potentially receive an Oscar nomination.
The short film, which explores the filmmaker’s Armenian family history, features interviews with her father and great-aunt.
A young Swiss woman searches for her Armenian roots. Various lovingly animated drawers of the simultaneously accumulating family archive open. This very personal examination of the collective traumas of post-migrant communities finds images and words for racism and the difficulties of talking about feelings with male family members. Its leitmotif is a wardrobe roaming through night-blue landscapes which – despite the cracks – holds everything and everyone together.
On December 21, the Academy Awards will release its shortlists for several categories, including Best Animated Short Film.
ARMAT’s inclusion in this list is a testament to its artistic and creative merit, and the film has the potential to receive significant recognition for its contribution to the world of animation.

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