The accordion was invented by an Armenian organ and piano maker
The history of the accordion has been the subject of much debate among researchers. While some historians credit Christian Friedrich Ludwig Buschmann with its invention, most attribute it to Cyrill Demian, an Armenian living in Vienna. In 1829, Demian patented his version of the accordion, which was a modification of the Handäoline. This instrument featured a small manual bellows and five keys, although Demian himself noted that it could be designed to include additional keys. Over time, numerous variations of the accordion were developed to meet the diverse needs of musicians.
Cyrill Demian (Arm. Կյուրեղ Դեմյան) (1772–1849)), an Austrian inventor of Armenian origin, made his living as an organ and piano maker together with his two sons, Karl and Guido, at Mariahilfer Straße No. 43 in Vienna. On May 6, 1829, the Demians presented their invention to the authorities for a patent. The patent was officially granted on May 23, 1829, thereby coining the name “accordion.”
The accordion went on to become a popular instrument worldwide, with its use in various musical genres, including folk, classical, and even rock music. It has undergone numerous changes and improvements since its invention in 1829, but its legacy as a versatile and beloved instrument continues to endure.